Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thing 19

I loved the one at by second graders. I teach second grade and we (as I'm pretty sure that class does) read several non-fiction selections about bats in our reading book. I'm pretty tempted to try my own, but am worried about how long it may take for students to compile/prepare the information and to practice it. I plan on looking into it and exactly how to do it in my classroom. I was sure to bookmark it on delicious for more examination as to how that class structured theirs. I know they would love it and get a real kick out of listening to themselves on the Internet!

I also listened to the second grade science podcast from resa at . The GLCE changed a couple of years ago and this video was a great review of the new GLCE to help in cementing them in my mind. I liked also how he mentioned what students learned about that topic in first grade, so I know what background knowledge they should have and I can build on that. WHen I clicked on the bar at the bottom, I saw that I could even go to each science area to relisten, instead of having to go through the whole podcast again. I noticed that there is a long companion document podcast that I am eager to look at in the future to get more ideas how to teach these GLCE. As a side note, it was sort of annoying when I was listening on my laptop with headphones, the speaker's voice was only on one side. The ending music was on both sides, so I know it wasn't my headphones or laptop.


  1. Podcasting with kids is so much fun, but you're right, it can be time-consuming. Here is a link to a great website that will give you a lot of help. There's even a "Podcasting for Teachers and Students" book you can download for free from the site.

  2. Thanks - bookmarked it in delicious right away.
