Monday, January 4, 2010

Thing 13

Why couldn't I have taken this course years ago:) I have way too many bookmarks on my computer and unless I go to each one, have really no idea what is on there, despite my attempt at folders. There are so many that if I saw some of them, I wouldn't even remember them in the first place! Tags would make it SO much easier. I can't wait to try it. I was told about delicious a couple of years ago, but wasn't told about the tags. If I had, I'm sure I would have used it. The disadvantages are few. One would be appropriate tagging. It may be challenging to come up with some. Another thing I'm not sure if I would like is the social aspect of these tasks. I don't know if I want any stranger accessing some of my stuff. I'm ok with the bookmarks, because they could find them on their own. The pictures from Flickr being tagged worry me a little. How private is "private" there?

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