Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thing 14

My Delicious username is polgarck. Delicious is a great tool. I wish I would have begun using it as soon as I got my new laptop in the spring. I went to import my bookmarks - where did I get over 75 of them:). I had to go through all of them and ended up deleting at least 20 of them after viewing all them. I had a whole bunch I didn't even remember looking at. Then I had to go through the ones that I had left and retag them (not quite done with that yet). A small time investment now, but oh-so-helpful in the future for all those websites with teaching strategies, interactive games and lesson plans. I am trying a new way of teaching reading this year (Daily 5) and I knew I had bookmarked a page that had a link to sub plans. Could I find it in the mess of my computer when I needed it - no. Now I can just do a tag search for Daily 5 and find choices for it right away. When I have time, I plan on going through and adding some descriptions. I also like the idea of saving others time with my tags. I plan on telling everyone about this!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Mathwire.com site you bookmarked. Great activities!
