Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thing 21

Most of the wikis you had to sign up for. I did sign up for wikiHow and tried to add pictures to an article. Couldn't get it to work - will have to look at again later. This type of wiki could be used in the classroom for a student to write a story/page in a story and another student (in the class or across the world) to add a picture to it. Students would need a login at a secure sight, which makes me a little nervous. I was a little concerned about a 2nd grade wiki. The students had their own individual pages, sort of like a journal, and some of the students posted, in my opinion, way too much personal information. Not addresses, but things like family members and interests. Some pedophile could use that information to entice a child. While I monitor students in my class, they could go home and try things on their computer at home. Maybe I could just log in as myself and throughout the year students could do the task one student at a time. Not sure if that would be worth the effort/tracking and the ability level of students are vastly different as the year progresses. I would rather do this toward the end of the year as they not only increase their writing skills, but also their technology skills. Also would have to find another collaborator for the project. Could be fun though.

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